The book: Recruitment via LinkedIn

More and more Internet users are embracing online social networks such as LinkedIn as a way of meeting new people and maintaining existing relationships. While one person will employ it as a contact management system, another will use it as a business network. But what can recruiters do with it?

Recruitment via LinkedIn is a practical and efficient guide aimed at HR professionals, recruiters and employer branding specialists wishing to deploy LinkedIn as a successful recruitment channel. In this training guide the following topics will be covered:

  • Explanation of all build-in tools to build a powerful network
  • Improve your personal or employer brand on LinkedIn
  • Unique tried and tested tips with regard to networking and searching
  • The art of approaching candidates online, the do’s and don’ts
  • Advertising and marketing possibilities, including a case description
  • Learn the best tips to find talent and turn them into new hires
  • New and important developments

Those wishing to start using LinkedIn for the recruitment of candidates will find this guide extremely useful. The reader will gain an insight into how this recruitment channel can be made to work for them. The experienced user will learn the best tips and tricks, and how and why LinkedIn works. Go through the guide step by step and you will see that you are ready to use LinkedIn, and other online database and networks, to it’s fullest potential by approaching the best talent online.

ISBN13: 9789403702940 (2023, latest Dutch version)
ISBN13: 9789035242951 (November 2008, International version)
Author: Jacco Valkenburg

SOLD OUT in bookstores worldwide. Ask for the 2023 edition here!

Tip 1: Connect with 700.000+ Recruitment Consultants in our LinkedIn group via this link
Tip 2: Read my other book ‘Career Management via LinkedIn